

Kings Langley Volleyball Club – Constitution (2017)

  1. General

a)       The body shall be called the Kings Langley Volleyball Club, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club.”

b)      The object of the Club shall be to promote and encourage the game of volleyball in the local area of Kings Langley and surrounding towns.

c)       The Club will enter competitive teams as the Executive Committee see fit within the Herts Volleyball Association league and associated competitions.

d)      The Club will aim to provide additional competitive volleyball for players, especially beginner players, outside of the competitive HVA structure.

e)      The Club will aim to provide for volleyball through other means, such as beach volleyball out of the season and social volleyball.

  1. 2.       Affiliations

a)       The Club is affiliated to and registered with the Herts Volleyball Association (HVA).

b)      The Club is affiliated to and registered with the England Volleyball Association (EVA).

  1. 3.       Executive Committee

a)       The Executive Committee is made of the following officers of the Club: Chairman; General Secretary; Treasurer; Fixtures Secretary; Welfare Officer.

b)      Chairman - The Club Chair has overall responsibility for representing the Club and supporting and encouraging the Committee and the Membership at all levels. This includes:

i)        Chairing all Committee Meetings, AGMs, etc.

ii)       Encouraging teamwork and providing support to Committee Members.

iii)     Communicating relevant information to the Committee and the Membership.

c)       General Secretary - The Club Secretary is responsible for recording and communicating information relevant to the smooth running of the Club. This includes:

i)        Recording and making available minutes taken at meetings.

ii)       Recording and maintaining the contact of current and potential club members.

iii)     Maintaining a copy of Player Registration details as provided by the Welfare Officer.

iv)     Making a compact list of player details available to captains and managers for medical or emergency situations.

v)       Recording and maintaining team rosters for the club, the HVA and Volleyball England.

vi)     Recording and maintaining external contacts of scorers, referees, etc.

vii)   Maintaining the club website and social media.

viii)  Attending HVA meetings or organising/inviting other committee member to attend with relevant information.

d)      Treasurer - The Club Treasurer is responsible for planning, co-ordinating and monitoring the financial activities of the Club. This includes:

i)        Ensuring that all monies collected from members or other parties are paid into the bank.

ii)       Ensuring Club Secretary is informed of payment status of all squad members.

iii)     Ensuring that the Club accounts remain in credit and within budget at all times.

iv)     Ensuring that all expenditure is authorised by the Committee.

v)       Ensuring approved expense payments are made to club members in a timely fashion.

vi)     Organising hall bookings via RSS (Bobbie Amamou

e)      Welfare Officer - The Club Welfare Officer must be registered with the EVA and must attend the necessary courses as agreed with the EVA. They have responsibility for the general welfare of all Club members. This includes:

i)        To be clear about the club's responsibilities when running activities for children and young people.

ii)       To help club members understand what their “duty of care” towards children and young people actually means and entails on a day-to-day basis.

iii)     To act as liaison for all personal issues within the club for all club members.

iv)     To introduce themselves to each new player.

v)       To obtain player registrations from all players, which are checked and copies passed to the Club Secretary for retention.

f)        Fixtures Secretary - Attending the HVA fixtures meeting to assist team managers arrange match fixtures.

i)        Working with the HVA fixtures secretary to keep our team registrations, team rosters, fixtures and match results up-to-date.

ii)       Managing the fixtures list in conjunction with Team Managers

iii)     Managing venue issues to avoid clashes between our own teams’ matches and other teams using the RSS venue.

iv)     Ensuring the HVA are aware of any fixture changes that occur during the season.

v)       Publishing and distributing general details of matches, training and social events to the required club members.

  1. 4.       Non-Executive Committee

a)       The Non-Executive Club Officers consist of Team Managers, Team Captains and Coaches.

b)      Team Managers - The Team Managers are responsible for ensuring matches are played. This include:

i)        Attending the HVA Fixtures meeting to arrange match fixtures.

ii)       Confirming home match arrangements with visiting opposition three weeks in advance and chasing home teams for confirmation of away fixtures two weeks in advance.

iii)     Liaising with other club teams to resolve fixture issues and re-scheduling of matches.

iv)     Communicating specific fixture arrangements (date, time and place) to the team players, any required officials and Club Secretary.

v)       Ensuring sufficient players are available for matches and that players have the required club strip.

vi)     Ensuring warm-up balls are available for all matches and are collected after matches.

vii)   Ensuring equipment (score sheets, match ball and pump) and officials (scorers and referees) are available for home fixtures.

viii)  Updating match results on the HVA website after each home match and optionally, every away match.

ix)     Acting as the main external point of contact within each team and liaising with Team Captains and Club Secretary as required to agree team rosters.

c)       Team Captains - The Team Captains are responsible for co-ordinating and organising the running of a team at matches. This includes:

i)        Understanding the rules of the game as played within the HVA and ensuring players abide by these rules.

ii)       Completing score sheets as required by officials before and after matches.

iii)     Liaising with officials before, during and after the match.

iv)     Providing and completing rotation slips as required.

v)       Deciding who will play on court and when.

vi)     Encouraging good team play and sportsmanship at all times.

vii)   Ensuring officials are shown respect by the team.

d)      Coaches - The Coaches shall be responsible for running coaching sessions designed to increase skill levels and the team play of club members.

  1. 5.       Club Membership

a)       Membership shall be open to all.

b)      Member numbers will be restricted based on the availability of court space, court time and suitable coaches.

c)       Membership is through annual subscription. This is discussed at the AGM, but only agreed at the start of the season when potential membership is known and the nature of any expected club expenditure.

d)      Players may not compete in any external volleyball matches organised through the Club without having paid their subscription.

e)      Players may be asked to leave the club via a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Committee.

f)        Players leaving the Club may request a refund of any subscription already paid on a pro-rata basis. Refunds are at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

g)       Players joining the Club mid-season may get discounted subscription at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

  1. 6.       Club Operation

a)       The Executive Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, through nomination and seconding. Retiring officers shall be available for re-election.

b)      The election of Executive Officers are elected based on a simple vote, with one vote per Club Member present with any tie being decided by the outgoing Chairman.

c)       Non-Executive Officers shall be sought at the beginning of each season, once the size and structure of Club is known.

d)      The Executive Committee Members must meet at least once per year at the AGM, but will come together informally or electronically as required to discuss Club business.

e)      Each Executive Committee Members has one vote each (even if one member holds two positions). In the event of a tied vote the Chairman (or outgoing Chairman if there is no current Chairman) shall have the deciding vote.

f)        A quorum of four elected Executive Committee Members shall be necessary for the transaction of any business, of whom not less than three shall be serving officers. (This shall be suspended in the event of the full executive committee not being elected.)

g)       Items for consideration by the committee, other than those already listed on the proposed agenda, should be communicated in WRITING to reach the General Secretary not later than THREE days before the date arranged for the Executive Committee meeting.

h)      Additional meetings may be called at SEVEN days written notice to the General Secretary by any two members of the Executive Committee; it must be signed by the two Executive Committee Officers. Minutes of the Executive Committee meetings will be circulated to all Club Members.

i)        In the event of resignation, death, etc. of an Executive Committee member the Executive Committee has the power to appoint another person to fill the office until the next AGM.

  1. 7.       Club Funds

a)       The Club is operated as a not-for-profit organisation.

b)      The Funds of the Club shall be lodged in a bank or Post Office and all cheques, etc. drawn on the account of the Club shall be signed by any two of three named signatories from the Executive Officers.

c)       Online access to the finances shall be available to the same Committee members who have authority to sign cheques.

d)      Online payments can be authorised by a single authorised committee member.

e)      Any excess funds are retained with the Club account with a view for re-investment in the aims of the Club.

f)        The financial year of the Club shall end on 30th April each year. A statement of accounts up to and including this date shall be presented to the AGM.

g)       A current statement of finance shall be presented at other times at the request of the Executive Committee.

  1. 8.       The Annual General Meeting

a)       The AGM of the Club shall be held annually during the month of May.

b)      At least four weeks’ notice shall be given specifying the date, place and time of the AGM and should be communicated to all Club Members, Executive and Non-Executive Officers.

c)       At least two weeks’ notice of the agenda, proposed constitutional changes and officers’ reports shall be given to all Club Members, Executive and Non-Executive Officers.

d)      Reports shall be received by the meeting from the Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary and Welfare Officer.

e)      A simple majority shall decide all resolutions except Constitutional changes, and in the event of a tied vote the Chairman shall have the deciding vote. Constitutional changes shall require a two-thirds majority.

  1. 9.       Dissolution

a)       In the event of the Club having to be dissolved, the funds and assets shall be lodged with the HVA (subject to their agreement) until such time as the Club is reformed.